Family Compass (Child Abuse Prevention Center)

Services: Working to prevent the cycle of child abuse and bring hope to families and communities throughout Dallas. The Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Center’s mission is to build healthy families and a strong Dallas community by preventing child abuse and neglect. Our Parent Aide, Healthy Families, and Bringing Families Together are proven and effective programs, so that parents can be equipped and empowered to raise healthy and productive children. The mission of the Parent Aide program is to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect by teaching high-risk parents in Dallas County positive parenting skills. The program reinforces healthy and effective discipline techniques, builds strong parent-child relationships, and provides access to community resources. The mission of the Healthy Families program is to prevent child abuse and neglect by teaching pregnant and parenting teens positive parenting techniques, the importance of maintaining well-child visits, completing high school and pursuing higher education, and obtaining employment. The Healthy Families program is a free home visitation program that serves participating families for up to five years. Bringing Families Together is a community-integrated program that combines efforts of the Vickery Meadow Youth Development Foundation, Injury Prevention Center of Greater Dallas -and Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Center. The program seeks to prevent the cycle of abuse for vulnerable families by reducing family parental isolation, increasing support networks, teaching positive parenting skills, and providing access to community resources. Clients are referred by CPS and Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, among others. We serve all of Dallas County.

Executive Director: Jessica Slie Trudeau

Hours: 9:00am – 4:30pm, M-F

Access: DART

How to Apply: Call for information

Support: Foundation grants, United Way, private donations, fundraising


  • Family Support


1200 E. Copeland, Ste. 310, Arlington 76011